Holistic Dentistry Options Are Within Your Reach!

Holistic dentistry options is a guided approach to applying the benefits of natural alternatives with the advances of modern dentistry. With holistic practices as the guide, overall oral health, as well as full-body wellness, can benefit from the treatments we offer. Consider taking your oral health beyond just par. Much of the modern Western dental industry looks at treating and preventing certain ailments, but what about taking your health further than just preventing ailments and focus on improving your overall health? If you’re interested in discussing our holistic dentistry practices, contact the staff at Image Dental Care in Red Deer, AB.

redheaded woman smiling in front of a tree

Digital X-Rays

Digital dental x-rays are an excellent alternative to traditional dental x-rays by seriously reducing a patient’s exposure to radiation – sometimes by as much as 80%-90%. These x-rays use x-ray-sensitive plates to capture data and transfer it to a computer, and less radiation can be used to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional x-rays.

Natural Alternatives

Not all patients are comfortable with fluoride. At Image Dental Care Red Deer we are proud to offer natural alternatives to fluoride.


We practice mercury-safe dentistry at Image Dental Care Red Deer as we believe it to be a harmful toxic chemical. If a patient has an amalgam filling they wish to be removed, our equipment is designed to minimize exposure to mercury during the procedure.